COVID-19 Screening Tool

You'll answer a few questions about symptoms, travel, and contact you've had with others.

We have got  0%  COVID-19 symptoms in you.

  If it shows more than 62%, you are at high risk.

Isolate yourself and your immediate family members. You are advised for testing as your infection risk is high. Please call the toll-free helpline number to schedule your test.

Helpline Number - 011-23978046 or 1075

Useful Links:

This tool can help you understand what to do next about COVID-19. Let’s all look out for each other by knowing our status, trying not to infect others, and reserving care for those in need.

1. How old are you?

2. Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?

Select all that apply

3. Do you have any of these conditions?

Select all that apply

4. In the last 14 days, have you traveled internationally?

5. In the last 14 days, have you been in an area where COVID-19 is widespread?

Select all that apply

6. In the last 14 days, what is your exposure to other who are known to have COVID-19?

Select all that apply

(For 10 minutes, I was within 6 feet of someone who's sick or exposed to a cough or sneeze.)

(I was at least 6 feet away and was not exposed to sneeze or cough.)

(I have not been in contact with someone who's sick.)

7. Do you live or work in a care facility?

This includes a hospital, emergency room, other medical setting or long-term facility.

(This includes nursing homes or assisted living.)

(This includes volunteering.)

(This includes volunteering.)